Storage and Packing Tips

As You Pack Your Things

Moving day is here! We, at A Discount Mini Storage, will do everything we can to help you keep your prized possessions safe and secure. Here are our suggestions for packing:

Cushion Breakables Carefully, Thoroughly

  • Line bins and boxes with folds of fabric, wads of paper, and/or packing bubbles.
  • Wrap breakables in tissue paper, dish towels, bath towels, bedding, or fabric.
  • Pack heaviest breakables on bottom to prevent crushing lighter breakables.
  • Pack items in angled layers to distribute weight evenly on layers beneath.
  • Fill gaps with fabric, paper, packing bubbles, and/or non-breakables.
  • Hang clothing in a rolling, zipped wardrobe for greater ease in moving, and greater protection while in storage.

Organize Containers Systematically

  • Pack like items in groups of boxes, to be loaded in your unit together, for easier identification.
  • Mark or label groups of boxes to identify function and/or location. (For example: “Cooking Utensils”; “Downstairs Bathroom.”)

Pack in Sturdy, Stackable Plastic Bins

Whether you choose a Climate-Controlled or Non-Climate Controlled unit, we recommend packing your items in bins rather than boxes. Here’s why:

  • You can sort items by group or room by the color of lid.
  • You can nest bins in stacks, as designed, for greater stability.
  • You can better protect your items from damage and breakage.
  • You can better protect your items from environmental contaminants.

If You Use Cardboard Boxes

  • Choose high-quality, durable boxes that keep their shape longer.
  • Tape all sides and slits in boxes securely to keep out dust.
  • Line bottom of unit with plastic sheeting to insulate against condensation.

As You Load Your Unit

You Are Here, at A Discount Mini Storage! We’ll do everything we can to help make your move the best ever. We can offer tips to load your particular items. If you have questions or concerns at any point during move-in, we’re here to help!

Our Top Move-In Do’s and Don’ts

  • Stack from the back.
  • Stack high, to the top, to make the most of the space.
  • Stack heaviest items on the bottom.
  • Stack furniture upright from a wall forward, leaving a slim margin of space
  • Stack east important items at the back and on the bottom.
  • Stack most frequently used items last.
  • Create a middle aisle from front to back, as well as side-to-side in large units.
  • Move in when it’s raining.
  • Pack wet items of any kind in your unit.
  • Lean furniture items against the wall.
  • Stack furniture, large items vertically only if stable.

Special Tips, Special Measures

  • Encase upholstered items, like mattresses and sofas, in covers, bags, or sheeting, as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Cover furniture with dust sheets or bedding, to prevent scratching.
  • Take furniture apart, bag parts, and label bags to save space and make reassembly easier.
  • Stack chairs, to save space.
  • Treat wood furniture with polish and/or preserver.
  • Pack electronics in original boxes, if available.
  • If not, pack electronics in similar-sized boxes, securing moving parts with string or tape.
  • Place moisture pads, deodorizers, traps and bait in units, for extra protection.

Remember . . . At Move-In . . . Feel Free To Ask For Advice!
